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Sustainable Cooperation, Sustainable Solution

A responsible approach and good economic practices are possible only with a focus on occupational safety also. The demand for sustainable adhesive solutions which optimize processes as well as occupational safety is therefore growing on the market. At the Swedish enterprise Joreds Postformning AB, boards are laminated using a hazard-free adhesive supplied by the long-standing partner Jowat.

The small town Fjällbacka in Sweden is the home where the specialist manufactures furniture fronts, countertops, shelves, windowsills and interior wall paneling.
Joreds are considered a technology leader in Sweden for so-called postforming. 
With more than 70 years of experience, a team of 15 employees turn the ideas and wishes of their customers into reality. “We manufacture tailor-made components on behalf of construction companies, architects and building material suppliers, for private customers but also public institutions,” explains Per Kristiansson, key account manager at Joreds. “Quality and efficiency are equally important as the competence and safety of our employees. Adhesives from Jowat have provided us with solutions which meet all these requirements.”

Joreds Postformning AB and Jowat Scandinavia AB proudly look back on over ten years of cooperation as partners. The Swedish manufacturer has been using PUR hot melt adhesives from Jowat since 2013. In the year 2019, they eventually changed to the PUR hot melt adhesive with hazard-free labeling Jowatherm-Reaktant® MR 609.93 for the lamination of wood-based countertops with decorative surfaces (e.g. laminates, thermoplastic foils). “The hazard-free PUR hot melt adhesive from Jowat is on par with the quality of conventional products. In addition, it improves the occupational safety and health protection of all processors,” underscores Per-Anders Lindgren, business manager for wood, furniture and construction at Jowat Scandinavia AB. “Coupled with that is the benefit of savings in terms of costs and time because they are not subject to special training requirements.”

Per, Daniel and Niklas Kristiansson says the impressive performance of Jowatherm-Reaktant® MR 609.93 is evident also in the practical application: “The PUR hot melt adhesive can be used for many different materials, is odorless, and facilitates an equally easy cleaning of the processing equipment when the work is finished. The good initial strength facilitates a continuous manufacturing process with substrates of different sizes. There is no need for long pressing times in cycle presses—short but strong pressing with a roller is sufficient to ensure that the substrates are firmly joined together.” These characteristics save a significant amount of time each day.

The customer’s verdict is positive in every respect: “The many years of cooperation are a testament to our satisfaction with Jowat as partner. Product quality, service, reliability—the entire package is just right.” 

Are you interested in our monomer-reduced PUR hot melt adhesives?

Contact Per-Anders Lindgren +46 70 662 12 61

Jowat Scandinavia AB
Hanögatan 11
211 24 Malmö
Malmö stad
CVR nummer: SE5560679143


Per-Anders Lindgren

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